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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Researchers develop in-car cell phone jamming system, though it can also snitch to cops

Researchers in India have been developing a system that can detect if a driver is attempting to use a mobile device while the vehicle is in motion, jamming the signal if necessary. It can also send information about a driver's behavior to traffic cops in the vicinity, a feature unlikely to ever appear near the top of a vehicle buyer's wish list of in-car gadgets and gizmos.

Few people will argue that texting while driving is OK, as it requires the driver to remove their gaze from the road ahead to the screen of their smartphone, a foolish action which could result in the vehicle acquainting itself in a most horrible fashion with the back end of another vehicle, a human being, or, in cases where the eyes are off the road for a really long time, a house.

Some people, on the other hand, will say it’s fine to talk on the phone hands-free while behind the wheel, as the driver can still see what’s going on in front and, with two hands still on the wheel, can react quickly and efficiently to any sudden events.


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