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Friday, July 13, 2012

Retinafied 13-inch MacBook Pro not a given, but screens on tap

A 13-inch Retina version of the MacBook Pro is not yet a certainty, though production of displays that could be used by Apple is expected to start this quarter.

Displays that could be used on a 13-inch MacBook Pro Retina are slated to begin production this quarter, but "business plans" for Apple are not definite yet, an analyst told CNET.

Retina-class 13.3-inch displays with a pixel density of 2,560-by-1,600 are slated for production this quarter (Q3), said Richard Shim, an analyst with DisplaySearch.

But when this would result in a Retina-endowed 13-inch version of the MacBook Pro is unclear at the moment, according to Shim.

Production of the 13.3-inch Retina-class display is about a quarter behind the Retina screen used in the 15.4-inch MacBook Pro. The PPI (pixels per inch) on the 13-inch display is 227, denser than the 220 PPI of the current 15.4-inch Retina.

Taipei-based Digitimes, which routinely reports chatter from Asia-based suppliers, said Tuesday that Apple is asking its manufacturing partners to begin supplying components for a new 13-inch MacBook Pro model in the third quarter. 


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