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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Google Doodle Hugs Itself for Mother's Day :-

If you haven't yet called your parents for Mother's Day – and we apologize in advance if that's not an option for your particular situation – Google's doing its part to tug on your heartstrings should you try to search for things on the Web today.

That's right – it's time for a new Google doodle.

Blink and you'll miss the short animation, which starts off with a pearl necklace-wearing "Mama g" waiting around an empty room. The door slowly cracks open and in run her two "o" children – we'll call them "Red" and "Yellow." They tackle her with flying hugs (or try to, at least), and give her a pretty purple flower to commemorate the day.

As the little Google letter family stand there, either hand-in-hand or with their little letter arms around each other, the rest of the Google logo fades in. No coloration or normal font faces this time: The focus of the scene remains on mom and kids when the animation officially ends.

Cute and simple – or so you might think. In actuality, the time, effort, and animation required to build the Doodle aren't the only complexities surrounding Mother's Day drawings. Namely, Mother's Day isn't a universally agreed-upon holiday.


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