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Friday, May 11, 2012

Windows Phone Development Is A Little Less Harder Now :-

With the introduction of the Lumia series Windows phones, Microsoft has had a fair impact on the smartphone market.

Without losing any time, and rightly so, Microsoft is aiming to further its hold by providing developers with every possible tool to enhance the platform.

 A number of pre-built mobile app components, open-source projects, and SDKs for Windows Phone development have been recently launched by the company, via its marketplace for mobile applications, Verious.

Nokia Lumia had been receiving accolades for its user-friendly interface, popular as the Metro UI, yet most developers didn’t seem to be enthusiastic to contribute owing to the relatively unstable state of the platform. News of the underachieving performance of the Lumia series had planted seeds of doubt in everyone’s mind. Add to that, shareholders suing the company for the underperformance wasn’t helping their case either.

But Verious’ components, which are a product of some serious planning with Microsoft have cut down the development time by a good margin. The Verious Windows Phone collection comprises of a number of collision detection systems, physics engine for games, a large collection of Metro style icons, Silverlight UI controls for reducing development time and mapping and charting tools, to name a few. Also, Verious is releasing a decent number of HTML5 goodies as an effort to bring in cross-platform developers.

How Verious would transform Windows OS share in the market is yet to be known but allowing developers freedom to tinker and tweak is probably a good decision for now.


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