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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Revolution Mosaic quilts iPhone photos from around the world......

Mobile photography is quite the popular pass time and in particular, iPhone photography has quite a number of doers and fans. When Instagram first came out, it was an iOS only application and with the iPhone 4, iOS users took to photographing and photography apps like a magnet takes to, umm, the opposite pole of another magnet. And since iPhoneography is a global phenomenon, there have been multiple attempts to reflect the universalness of the pass time.

A project called Revolution Mosaic wants to create one giant image that will combine a total of 360,000 iPhone photos from around the world to symbolize the mobile generation. The project has also released an app in the iOS App Store through which users can submit their photos for the giant iPhone photo quilt.

The application comes from Canadian developer Barrel Man Apps. Speaking on the project, Ian Tuason, the founder of Barrel Man Apps says, "Visionary photographers that I admire, well, they could be any one of us now.

We all have this powerful tool in our pockets and it only takes a gentle tap to take a photo and share our perspective to the world. So let’s turn that tap into a tidal wave. Let’s make that first iconic image from our generation be a collection of all our perspectives joined together."

To fund the project, Barrel Man Apps has secured seed funding from European venture incubator, 99 Fahrenheit Ltd. Luca Longobardi, Founder and CEO of 99 Fahrenheit says, "We are very interested in ideas that can change the world, and we believe Revolution Mosaic has that kind of potential."

Once 360,000 photos are uploaded to the Revolution Mosaic, Barrel Man Apps plans to transform the app into a platform of multiple mosaics. Mosaics will be created to raise social awareness or to unite cultures and charitable causes. Mosaics will even be created to document important events in the world, like the Summer Olympics or the World Cup.


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