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Friday, June 29, 2012

ACi launches laptop...

ACi, a laptop specialist brand from the U.K., on Wednesday, unveiled the lowest-priced and fully-functional laptop computer for the Indian market.

The ACi Icon 1100 is a fully-functional high resolution 10.2-inch screen laptop computer priced at Rs.4,999.

ACi is represented in India by Allied Computers International (Asia) Ltd., which will market the products here and is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange.

Speaking to The Hindu, Hirji Patel, Chairman, Allied Computers International (Asia), said, “The ACi ICON 1100 is the lowest-priced fully-functional laptop in India. It is Windows-compatible with an expandable memory up to 1 GB.”

The low-priced product is among a range of seven products that the company unveiled on Wednesday and the other products are mid-to-high-end laptops.

On the company’s ability to sell the product at such a low cost, Mr. Patel said, “as is the case with most of these products across the globe, component sourcing as well as manufacturing is done from the Far East, and our margins are very thin.”

Mr. Patel said the company expected to sell 2 lakh units of the ACi Icon in a year.

“That is a conservative estimate, and we may sell that many this calendar year itself. We are planning to launch the ‘model B’ of the base model ACi Icon here in the next two or three months,” Mr. Patel said.

The company has an existing dealership of 200 . “In the next two months, we want to add around 500 more dealerships across India,” he said.


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